Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 17:05:40 +1000 From: (Mr Smith) Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Subject: PIcket Report-Canberra Org Message-ID: <> 12/09/99 At a bit before 11 am, I met Hemi at the library across the raod from the org. He brought the signs, (Damn good ones, in comparison to what the clams eventually made) and some flyers, (can't recall what sort, could have been his own design), while I had the "space alien scam", and "Insane cult" ones. Armed with signs and flyers, we took to walking up and down in front of the org, dishing out flyers here and there.Took about 15 or so minutes until the clams appeared, and I think they were suprised that we were there. I was shadowed by this one guy constantly, who kept engaging me in conversation.Quite entertaining.It was sort of like a born again,(and one of them turned up later on), trying to get me to put down my sign, and go up and see what $cientology is really about, before the door closes, and when I really need it, it wont be there.Great fun. I guess I was a little quiet, but the occasional person would burst through the crowd to grap a flyer, probably to spite the clams. I was also lectured on the evils of the Psych's, you know, how they created all the drugs, and the problems of drugs, and how drugs never help anything.(I'm certain I was then ;ectured on something I should not have..I even baited the guy into saying that the psych's created herion!!!.This clam also started to go on about some stuff that he most likely should not have.It was something our spiritual nature, and that our bodies are to our spirit, what a coat is to our bodies,(that was the example he gave me, probably 'cuase I was wearing my trench coat), also went on, (in the same speil, possibly to explain it better), to say that becuase I wear a coat, I am not a coat, or that if I drive a car, I am not a car.I lost him here, but I thought he was trying to explain, in a tech way, that drugs don't effect our bodies, only our minds,(?), or somethibg like that. Any one else got ant idea what he was on about??? I wa critised consistanlty about my lack of knowledge of the tech involved, and how I could have the nerve to picket a group that does so much good.(You know, Purification programs from various drugs, teaching kids to read, fraud Oooops, Heh heh.) They also used a recent herion overdose, and some crazy guy who yelled and pulled his pants down, to there advantage. After about an hour and a bit of the picket I drifted to the corner of the interchange, and stood there for rest of the picket, surrounded by 3 or 4 clams.By this stage, they had there own signs, (flimsy cardboard ones, that bent in the wind, vastly inferior that Hemi's ones), and used them to try and cover mine, but I kept moving it, until I got sick of it, and lent on it for a while. By this stage, I was getting a little tired, and some of the head honcho's came up for a bit of a chat, and talk drifted to auditing of all things.They raved on how it works, and that psych's are all criminals, and there techniques never work, (you know, electrotherepy , prozac, other drugs), and that auditing always works.I then casually expressed my suprise that a catatonic patient could be revived by this.A short silence followed, with one of them saying that it would happen, but take a long time. Don't know about you, but I thought that you had be concious to be audited.(?) Anyway, the rest of the picket was better, as these two guys came up and also started to argue with the clams.Quite good.I actually knew the younger guy, (friend of a friend sort of thing), and he openly argued with the clams, about various things, mainly the way it recruits new members, and other managerial things.They tried the "But we do so much good" arguement, but he said he didn't care what they did.It was great stuff. Some other (older) guy came up after him, and started chatting about the ships, (forget what it's called) were the $$$$ stuff goes on.Didn't pay much attention to him, as He was on Hemi's side of the crowd.(by this stage, there was perhaps 5 clams to the 2 picketers, plus the 2 others who were argueing, as well as other clams about the place.In all, about a dozen or so clams came out) Oh yeah, sometime at the corner, when Hemi was changing tapes, one of the Cof$ took his sign, and another had the nerve to tell me to give up my sign, seeing as Hemi had given up his.They then made up the story that someone must have walked off with it. Had my photo taken several times,(posed for three or four of them, you know, sign and flyer in full view, cheesy grin).Hemi took about a roll of photo's, and a tape and a half of conversation. When we finally left, 2 of the clams followed us, bearing propoganda and signs, trying to find out where we lived.(They didn't say that, but it's what we assumed)We tried to lose them in Haig park, (the swathe of trees that crosses Northbourne Ave), but they ended up following us to a nearby Phone booth, where the police were called.They then walked off. Hemi should be posting his veiws on the picket later this afternoon, so wait for them. Sorry if I rave on a bit to much, but most of it should be worth reading. Mr Smith (of course, this is not my real name, and I'd rather not reveal it at this point in time)