From: (David Gerard) Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Subject: Xenu The Magazine: CoS reply to go in NoName #6 Date: 23 Oct 1995 18:54:10 +1000 Message-ID: <46fl7i$> Well, I told 'em they could do 2500 words, and they gave us just 2000. Whatever. It isn't an attack on me or anyone else, nor *directly* addressing the disputed points. It's got some bits that any experienced CoS critic will giggle at. There's also a plug for 'Freedom' and the Church's human rights work near the end. My analysis: it's a public relations reply, designed to give the Church slant for the uninformed. I actually don't mind printing this at all. Preprinted from 'NoName' (student paper of Victoria University of Technology, Footscray), October/November 1995.
-- Reverend Doctor David Gerard, KoX, SP 4.03 (awaiting verification of SP 5) Prestige Elite(tm) Research Church of the SubGenius "Servicing the Prestige Elite(tm) since 1985!" "What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself." -- Abraham Lincoln -- Please email ALL followups (crappy and thoroughly dysfunctional newsfeed). Personal visits from Scientologists will be greeted with extreme hostility and the vigilant attention of VUT Security, but personal physical violence *only* when appropriate, legal and called-for. (preferred); July 5, 1998, 7 AM. Saucers. End of the world. Your US$30 is your trip ticket.