Australian Critics of Scientology
This page maintained by David Gerard.

Hubbard Dianetics Centre, Sydney

HappyXenu, Nick Andrew

Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Curious Sydney $cieno (tm) shop
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 04:37:17 GMT
Message-ID: <6op8pt$a2u$>

I went to a gig last night at Sydney's "Metro" which is on George street near the volcano (tm). Underneath the Metro is a $cientology (tm) shop, which I hadn't known existed. It has a now hiring sign, a FREE STRESS TEST sign, some posters, and about 10 (in total) Dianetics (tm) books on display. A handdrawn sign stuck to the door which has some various phone numbers on it. It's a woeful looking shop. It's on a narrow dirty lane ("Central Street") and looked like a dismal place to work (it WAS dark though, I couldn't see much). Someone (not me!) had stuck a big CANCELLED sticker on their window. It looked as though it was a temporary setup to utilise cheap rent in a scummy 'office', although their was a HUBBARD DIANETICS (tm) sign above the shopfront. The word $cientology (tm) wasn't mentioned anywhere I could see. I don't know how long the shops been there. It was closed when I found it.

At the gig were hundreds of keen music fans, some(/many?) of whom would have read mentions of recently in some local music publications. I missed seeing the 'Del Emmas' who I've seen before and can recommend. 'Nitocris' ,'Fur' and the 'Hard-Ons' all went off and there were many happy punters by the end of the night. XXXX (Xenu's favourite beer) was unfortunately not available at the Metro's bar.

Any efforts to get the Jive Aces (tm) (for comedy and curiosity) or the Scorpions (for their music) to Australia would be appreciated.

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From: (Nick Andrew)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Date: 14 Jan 1999 22:45:05 +1100
Message-ID: <77klc1$hi0$>

In <> (Ted Mayett (KOX)) writes:

Tell you what this homeboy would appreciate... Some updates on orgs in Austaralia.

Do they seem busy? How's that volcano looking? Things like that.

Okey dokey.

The volcano looks "ok". I don't know about it looking 15 years old; it certainly doesn't "shine" but pretend lava erupts at night with neon lights. The square area on top of the volcano which was supposed to show Dia-something movies doesn't; instead there are a few pulldown canvas screens, one of which says something like "Improve your Life" and shows a picture of one of Hubbard's paperbacks ($15.95 on discount or similar). Recently when I've looked there are no canvas screens pulled down, so there's just a blank grey wall where the propaganda used to be.

Around the corner from the volcano there is a "Hubbard Dianetics" centre. I have never seen anybody inside. There's a sign on the door telling people to call the main org if the office is unattended. Plastered all over the glass shopfront are customer testimonials to the usefulness of the Purification Rundown. And that's an apt description: the whole place looks fairly run-down.

The main org on Castlereagh St seems to hold classes until 11pm. The yellow "free personality test" sign is always out, and recently they've been putting up a "Now Hiring" sign in the door as well.

I've only seen a body router outside once.

Zeta Internet SP4 Fax: +61-2-9233-6545 Voice: 9231-9400
G.P.O. Box 3400, Sydney NSW 1043

From: (Gnome)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 13:18:23 GMT
Message-ID: <369dedbd.96886611@localhost>

On 14 Jan 1999 22:45:05 +1100, (Nick Andrew) wrote:

Around the corner from the volcano there is a "Hubbard Dianetics" centre. I have never seen anybody inside. There's a sign on the door telling people to call the main org if the office is unattended. Plastered all over the glass shopfront are customer testimonials to the usefulness of the Purification Rundown. And that's an apt description: the whole place looks fairly run-down.

I've seen it open. The only Scieno I've seen around there is a dude with a pony-tail. I've seem him try body-routing people in on George St. But yes it is a very crappy looking little office.

The main org on Castlereagh St seems to hold classes until 11pm. The yellow "free personality test" sign is always out, and recently they've been putting up a "Now Hiring" sign in the door as well.

I've only seen a body router outside once.

Zeta Internet SP4 Fax: +61-2-9233-6545 Voice: 9231-9400
G.P.O. Box 3400, Sydney NSW 1043

[Scientology organisations in Australia: Sydney]