Australian Critics of Scientology
This page maintained by David Gerard.

Melbourne Demo against Scientology, December 1997

All pics are self-linked JPEGs.

Photos by David Gerard.

['KEEP CLEAR' on road - 27K JPEG]

1. Long shot from north-east of the Org. You know, I never noticed the large sign saying 'KEEP CLEAR' on the road before this shot ;-)

[Truck blocking org - 16K JPEG]

2. Someone cleverly parks a truck in front of the Org to obscure the demo. So, of course, we disperse to all corners with large and readable signs, while their signs stay behind the truck ...

[Matt with Georgia - 9K JPEG] [Tim Jones - 15K JPEG]

3. Public scientologist Matt, with daughter Georgia, handing out 'PUBLIC WARNING.

4. Public scientologist Tim Jones, occasionally of a.r.s (right), handing out a CoS Lisa McPherson leaflet and chatting to Cyril Vosper and another demonstrator.

[Mary Anderson and another staffer - 12K JPEG]

5. Mary Anderson and another staffer handing out the CoS Lisa leaflet.

[CoS videographer stare - 16.5K JPEG]

6. The CoS videographer wearing the famous Scientology Stare (the "fixed, dedicated glare" mandated by Keeping Scientology Working) ... when just standing around. Brian Johnston and another scientologist are behind him.

[CoS photographer - 6K JPEG]['$cientology KILLS' - 11K JPEG]

7.. The CoS photographer.

8. Small sign: '$cientology KILLS - RIP Lisa McPherson, December 5 1995'.

[Demonstrations against Scientology]