Australian Critics of Scientology
This page maintained by David Gerard.

6 years on ...

Ashraf Ghebranious, Fri 25 Jul 1997

From: (Ashraf Ghebranious)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: 6 years on...
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 13:00:15
Message-ID: <>

It has almost been 6 years since I first stumbled upon this newsgroup. At the 
time, you would have been lucky to get 30 posts a week! Most of the time was 
dedicated to some interested Kibologists who wanted to know why Hubbard had 
ripped them off.

Then those who have been in hiding for so long began to get net aware and I 
began to read first hand accounts of the doings of the cult. I was appalled! I 
read about a guy in the states who had decided to hold a protest outside a 
cult org. He was, as you can imagine, harassed and humilated, but he did 
protest. At the same time, the cult began it's attack on Dennis. And so, I got 
a little leaflet together, (posted a copy here I think), and called for a 
international day of protest. I was told a good day would be in March on 
Hubbies birthday even!

So I asked my friends to come along, but they declined out of fear. Not that 
they knew anything about the cult; they just got twitchy when I said the word 

So I went and did my protest. I got up the nose of a lot of scientologists and 
got video taped for around 3 hours. Never did send me a copy for my folks the 

I got back to the net and related my experiences as did others who took a 
stand. I belive that year, a total of 20 people braved the cult with signs and 

Last year, over 500 people worldwide attended active protests of the cult.

Thats a growth rate Hubbie would have envied.

DISCLAIMER: My comments are my own and not necessarily those of my employer
            OR my service provider.

Ashraf Ghebranious

"If it takes only one person to suppress your religion, then it cant be 
much of a religion then can it?" - me

To find out more about the cult that is Scientology, subscribe to
ALT.RELIGION.SCIENTOLOGY. Dont get me wrong, these people are dangerous!

"Jesus woman! I dont give a fuck!"  Rhett Butler, slightly paraphrased

[Demonstrations against Scientology]