Scientologists in Adelaide yesterday referred to the Australian Constitution and threatened to sue people they believed were defaming their religion.
They were protesting against the State Government's intention to prohibit scientology.
"The Australian Constitution quite clearly gives all Australians the right to practise freely the religion of their choice," said Mr R. A. Broadbent, a spokesman.
He told a Press conference: "That right cannot and must not be taken away by politicians."
He said he wondered where the State Government was heading by even daring to think of banning a minority religion. "Politicians have no right to take the place of God," he said. Individuals who defamed their religion would be sued.
Mr Broadbent did not name any individuals but he was apparently referring to the Premier, Mr Hall, the Chief Secretary and Minister of Health, Mr DeGaris, and Mr Andrew Jones, the Federal member for Adelaide.
All three have denounced scientology, although some of the criticism by Mr Hall and Mr DeGaris has been made in Parliament and is privileged.
Yesterday's Press conference was called by officers of the scientology centre in Adelaide who presented statements.
One said: "The 'kangaroo court' in Melbourne was like an example of the devil using his henchmen in every worst possible way imaginable." This was a reference to the finding of a Victorian inquiry lasting almost two years which resulted in the banning of Scientology in that State.