Amway: The Untold Story
Sources and References

Following is a listing of some of the materials
I've read in the course of my reasearch on Amway. Only some of them are
referenced in the articles on this web site...I hope to add more of them
as time permits. Some of these materials I found on my own, many were sent
to me by others, who have my thanks.
In addition to the materials listed are the thousands of emails and
forum/newsgroup messages I've read over the years from current and former
Amway: The Cult of Free Enterprise by Steven Butterfield, published
by South End Press, ISBN #0-89608-253-9 (paperback). This is probably the
best overall analysis of how Amway works that I've yet come across. This
one is still in print, so any bookstore should be able to order it.
Fake It Til You Make It: Inside Amway by Phil
Kerns, published by Victory Press, ISBN #0-9609908-0-1. The first "expose"
of Amway, as far as I know, and credited by Forbes with creating a great
deal of negative publicity for Amway. This one is out of print, but there
are a number of copies floating around in the library system...your local
library may be able to locate one for you and get in via inter-library
loan. [It's interesting to note that Butterfield and Kerns seem to be ideological
opposites, yet both come to many of the same conclusions about Amway]
Charismastic Capitalism: Direct Selling Organizations in America
by Nicole Woolsey Biggart, published by the University of Chicago Press,
ISBN #0-226-04786-5. The author is a professor of management and sociology
at the University of California at Davis, and this book is a look at MLM
from that perspective. It does not discuss whether or not MLM is a good
business to become involved in; instead it discusses how MLM evolved, why
MLM companies operate the way they do, and why people are attracted to
Dangerous Persuaders by Louise Samways, published by Penguin Books
Australia, Ltd., ISBN #0-14-02553-1. This one is about cult groups and
mind control in general, and Amway is mentioned as an example of such.
I had to get this one from Australia, since it's not published in the U.S.
Spiritual Warefare: the politics of the Christian Right by Sara
Diamond, published by South End Press, ISBN #0-89608-361-6. Describes some
of the extreme right-wing Christian groups that Rich Devos has been involved
with and/or supported.
Ordinary Men, Extraordinary Heros by Dexter Yager, published by
Internet Services Corporation, ISBN #0-8423-4593-0. In which Yager tells
us how the man is the God-appointed head of the family, and other really
original stuff.
Promises to Keep, by Charles Paul Conn published by Berkley, ISBN
#0-425- 09856-7. One of several books on Amway written by Amway's foremost
apologist. Chock full of misinformation and flawed logic.
Combatting Cult Mind Control, by Steven Hassan published by Park
Street Press, ISBN #0-89281-311-3. Very readable and informative book by
a former cult member turned "deprogrammer." Highly recommended.
Cults in Our Midst, by Margaret Singer published
by Jossey-Bass, ISBN #0-7879-0266-7. Singer is probably one of the foremost
authorities in the world on cultism and mind control. Highly recommended.
Fales Profits: Seeking Financial and Spiritual Deliverance in Multi-Level
Marketing and Pyramid Schemes, by Robert L. Fitzpatrick and Joyce K. Reynolds
published by Herald Press, ISBN #0-9648795-1-4. By far the best book on
MLM I've read so far. Has a good chapter on Amway.
Organizational Deviance in the Direct Selling Industry: A Case Study
of the Amway Corporation by Carol Juth-Gavasso, Ph.d. (sociology),
1985, published by University Microfilms International, 1-800-521-0600,
#1416. A scholarly and well-documented discussion of the various illegal
and unethical activities of Amway Corp. and some of the distributor groups,
written by an expert in corporate criminology. A real eye-opener. Customs
fraud, tax evasion, all sorts of goodies.
Complaint filed in State of Wisconsin vs Amway, 1982, case #589806, Wisconsin
State Attorney General's office, (608) 266-1740. This is the only case
I know of in which earnings data was collected from the actual tax returns
of a large number of Awmay distributors. The state found that the average
NET yearly income (after all expenses) of all Direct Distributors in that
state was minus $918. Yes, that's a loss of $918.
Lengthy depositions taken in above case. (Haven't read through all of it
Complaint and Final Order in Federal Trade Commission vs Amway, 1979, docket
# 9023, FTC Public Reference Branch, (202) 326-2222. In which the FTC decided
that Amway was not an illegal pyramid scheme, due in large part to the
existance AND ENFORCEMENT of Amway's "10-customer" rule, which is largely
ignored today. The FTC also found that Amway was guilty of illegal misrepresentation
of income and price fixing.
Compliance Commitment by Amway Corporation, Jay Van Andel and Richard De
Vos, 1986, Federal Trade Comission, docket #9023. As a result of the 1979
case, the FTC ordered Amway to stop misrepresenting distributor incomes.
When the FTC found in 1986 that Amway was still not complying with this
order, Amway was fined $100,000 and ordered to publish actual earnings
data in the Amway Sales and Marketing Plan (otherwise known as the SA-4400),
and to require that every prospect be given a copy of this information.
Complaint in class action lawsuit, Hanrahan et al vs. Dexter Yager, Bill
Britt and Amway, 1994, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania, civil action #94-4615. (Due to the high volume of requests
for copies of this information, the court is no longer taking requests
for copies. The entire text of the complaint can be found in the "Britt/Yager
Lawsuit" article on this web page.)
Behind Closed Doors at the CNP, Church & State, 6/96
False Patriots: The Threat of Anti-Govt. Extremists, Southern Poverty
Law Center, 1996
Amway The Yager Way, Charlotte Observer, 3/19/95
Yager Motivational Tapes Reel in Cash, Charlotte Observer, 3/20/95
Yager Puts Money Behind His Politics, 3/21/95
Hidden Persuaders, Time Out (UK publication) 6/22/94
Cleaning Up, Forbes 3/25/85
The Power Of Positive Inspiration, Forbes 12/9/91
Soap and Hope in Tokyo, Forbes 9/3/1990
Selling Soap And Politics, Maclean's 4/11/83
Do You Know These Godfathers?, Mother Jones Feb./March 1981
Ruthless Capitalists Need Not Apply, Canadian Business, July 1993
Amway Scandal Costs Administrator Her Job, Rocky Mountain News,
Did Avon's Digging For Amway Skeleton's Scuttle Takeover Bid?, Wall
St. Journal 5/25/89
Avon Shuns Aquisition Overtures" and "In Avon And Amway, A Culture Clash,
Washington Post 5/4/89
Amway's Pullout Hits Avon Stock, Arlington Heights Daily Herald,
Avon Slams the Door on Amway Buyout Bid, Chicago Tribune, 5/18/89
Proctor & Gamble Sued two Amway Corp. distributors, Wall St.
Journal 8/1/90
South Koreans Charge, Release Amway Agents, Wall St. Journal, date
UCD official recruits her staff for Amway, Rocky Mountain News,
Paying the Piper, Milwaukee Sentinal, date unknown
GOP Sets Record for 'Soft Money', Wisconsin State Journal, 1/11/95
The Gospel According To Amway, Sunday Punch, 1/4/87
Amway: Giving God 'The Business', and Ambushed, (or) How to Sell
a Dream, Mennonite Brethren Herald, 9/14/79
'God Doesn't Want You To Be Poor': Amway Stars Lead Cheering at Rally,
Detroit Free Press, 10/26/82
They Worked Hard But Lost Money, And Almost Each Other, Detroit
Free Press, 10/24/82
Motivation Has a Price at Amway, Detroit Free Press, 10/26/82
Some Are Lured by a Shaky Shelter, Detrout Free Press, 10/25/82
Lure of Tax Shelter Draws Some to Amway: IRS finds cheating; company
disavows pitch, Detroit Free Press, 10/25/82
A Few Get Rich With Amway, But Many Just Get Frustrated, Detroit
Free Press, 10/24/82
Amway: Who Shares The Dream, Detroit Free Press, 10/24/82
Direct Marketer Amway Gets on an Environmental Soapbox, Chicago
Tribune, 8/20/90
Hungarians Seeking to Find a New Way Find Instead Amway, Wall St.
Journal, date unknown
When Amway Opportunity Knocks, New York Times, 5/31/81
Amway Seeks to Buff Tarnished Image, Arlington Heights Daily Herald,
Housing Director to Resign: Amway sales upset staff and board, Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, 10/29/86
TV Prober Gives Talk at Amway, The Detroit News, 10/14/83
ARTICLES, Class Action Lawsuit
Vendors File Class Action Suit Against Amway, The Legal Intelligencer,
Amway Faces Class Action, Time Out 8/10/94
5 Sue..., Philadelphia Enquirer 8/3/94
ARTICLES, Canadian fraud
Amway Cracks - And Pays, Maclean's 11/21/83
Extradition And The Amway Case, Maclean's 9/19/83
Amway Fined $25 Million In Canadian Fraud, Christianity Today 12/16/83
Amway, Canada Reach Settlement In Customs Dispute, Wall St. Journal
How Amway's Hawaiian Connection Worked, Detroit Free Press 8/30/82
Canada Seeks $130 Million In Fines and Taxes from Amway, Christianity
Today 10/5/84
Border Trouble, Time magazine 11/29/82
Amway Executives Ignore Canada Summons in Fraud Case, Chicago Tribune,
Amway Denies Defrauding Canada, Chicago Tribune, 11/18/82
Amway's Canada Unit Drops Appeal, Eases Way for Customs Case, Wall
St. Journal, date unknown
Amway And Canada--the judge's report, The Reformed Journal, 9/84
Giving Ethics the Business, Journal of Business Ethics, ? 1988
ARTICLES, Consumer Reports
Dish Drops liquid dish soap, 2/96
Crystal Bright, 10/95
SA8 Concentrate (powder & liquid), 2/95
Zoom Concentrate, 9/93
Clear Trak vacuum cleaner, 2/93
Water treatment system E-9225, 2/93
Crystal Bright dishwasher detergent, 2/92
Dish Drops liquid dish soap, 9/91
Magic Foam carpet cleaner, 1/91
Rug & Upholstery Shampoo, 1/91
E-9320 carbon water filter, 1/90
Aerosol oven cleaner, 3/87
Buff-up furniture polish, 1/86
Amgard E8496 burglar alarm, 10/84
Sales and Marketing Plan (SA4400), 1986, 1991-1995
Amway Business Compendium, 1996
Wholesale Price List, 3/93, 9/94, 9/95
Amway recruiting materials: Opportunity pamphlet, Trends
pamphlet, Take Charge of Your Future brochure
Also some non-Amway recruiting materials produced by the Internet and World
Wide Diamonds groups.
Broadcast version of 60 Minutes segment on Amway
Yager version of 60 Minutes show
American Journal segment on Amway
Mind Control Groups, Australian National Radio, 10/26/94