The Senate Opposition leader, Senator Murphy, who committed last week a Labor government to recognition of the Church of the New Faith (Scientology) said tonight that he did not agree with the church's beliefs.
"I wish to make it quite clear that I have expressed no approval or endorsement of the beliefs of the Church of the New Faith, founded by people who call themselves scientologists," he said.
"However, I am concerned that principles of freedom of religion be upheld."
The church has applied for recognition of itself and its ministers under the Federal Marriage Act.
The church is banned in several countries, including the US, Britain and South Africa. It is banned also in Victoria and Western Australia.
Senator Murphy said in a statement issued in Canberra last night that if certain citizens chose to found their own church, then provided they observed the law, they were entitled to equal treatment with other churches, whether their beliefs were generally approved or not, be they big or small, old or new, orthodox or unorthodox.
"It is an important aspect of freedom of religion that except where there are breaches of the law, governments should not interfere in religious matters and especially not examine the validity of religious beliefs", he said.